The importance of beauty sleep

Why Beauty Sleep Is Important

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The closest thing there is to a fountain of youth when it comes to your beauty routine is sleep. While you sleep, your body repairs itself and recovers overnight, which has numerous physical, mental, and even cosmetic benefits. In order to achieve optimal sleep, one should aim to sleep at least seven to nine hours each night.

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There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep in order to reap the benefits of a good night's rest. First, it might be helpful to understand how getting an optimal night's sleep can affect your overall complexion.

Beauty Sleep Results in a More Rested AND Youthful Appearance

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Scientists say sleep can actually help assist in the building of collagen in the skin, which helps prevent sagging, and the best way to assist skin in this process is through a restful night's slumber. A brighter, plumper, less wrinkled complexion is a result of collagen production being higher.

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Your face can almost immediately tell that you weren't well rested after a bad night's sleep. Poor sleep even causes the following symptoms in one night:

  • Drooping eyelids
  • Inflamed eyes
  • Darker circles under the eye
  • Pale skin color
  • Fine lines and wrinkles appear more frequently
  • Mouth corners that droop more

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Beauty sleep helps the skin by boosting blood flow to the area, which allows you to wake up with a healthy glow. If you don't get enough sleep, your complexion may appear dull, lifeless, or drab.

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The skin surrounding your face experiences a decrease in blood flow when you are sleep-deprived. Without proper beauty sleep, the skin becomes dull and you don't have that rosy appearance anymore.

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Vitamin E serums are effective skin treatments to help combat dull, lifeless skin. As you work towards getting more sleep, incorporate products into your skincare routine to help replenish lost nutrients and collagen from lack of sleep.

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If you don't have a dedicated routine, the least you should do is wash your face before sleeping. Leaving makeup on your skin overnight will only increase dehydration, clog pores, and increase fine lines and wrinkles.

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Clean skin helps collagen production and prevents breakouts and acne from forming.

You Won't Have "Tired Eyes"

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It is likely that you have experienced dark circles or bags under your eyes after a night of insufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation often leads to puffy eyes. Sleep enough to reduce eye puffiness, discoloration, and wrinkles.

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Make sure that you are staying hydrated throughout the day as well as elevating your head at night with an extra pillow. This can result in a reduction of swelling as well.

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If you wish to reduce the appearance of puffy, dark eyes during the day, apply a hydrating eye treatment to add moisture to the area under the eye.

Everyone Needs Their Beauty Sleep

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When you sleep, your body goes through several cycles of processes that allow your body to restore much-needed energy and nutrients that you use the next day. These processes are much-needed to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

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A lack of sleep can cause premature wrinkles and dry, thinning skin. Because the lack of sleep can affect your skin negatively, it is important to ensure that you get enough beauty sleep so that you can look your best.

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As you sleep, your body turns down or turns off many processes so it can turn up the repair and renewal process. This seals in moisture that you might lose while you sleep. At night as you sleep, blood flow and lymphatic drainage increase, carrying more nutrients and energy to skin cells and hauling away more metabolic waste. The skin's pH also drops, which signals enzymes that repair and renew the skin to become more active. Because of this, your nighttime skincare routine is designed to support this natural renewal process by providing the skin with the nutrients, moisture, and and hydration it needs